Minnesota River Congress Public Policy Statement Adopted from Full Session Vote 11-19-16
Interest Network Teams Assigned to Act on Resolutions Updated 6-21-17 and 11-8-18 By Action Board
Increase Soil Organic Matter Adopted
(Programs and Initiatives Team, Natural Resource, Conservation, Restoration and Adaptive Management Team)
Be it resolved that the Minnesota River Congress support the development of an initiative to increase soil organic matter in the top six to eight inches of soil by 1% over the next ten years in 50 percent of the annual cropped fields across the basin.
Streams Flow Control Adopted
(Natural Resource, Conservation, Restoration and Adaptive Management Team, Public Policy Team)
Be it resolved, that the Minnesota River Congress: Recommends all Federal, State, Tribal, local and non-Government entities who work with any aspect of natural resources which affect the Minnesota River system to increase and support current efforts to implement practices which currently exist such as managed drainage and other conservation drainage techniques, which will decrease wildly fluctuating rate flows in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd order streams that feed the Minnesota River System. And furthermore to aggressively seek adequate human and financial resources required to do so by appointing one state agency as the lead agency responsible for coordinating a unified initiative to accomplish these actions collectively.
Waters Connectivity Adopted
(Natural Resource, Conservation, Restoration and Adaptive Management Team, Public Policy Team)
Be it be resolved, that the Minnesota River Congress urges all Federal, State, Tribal, local and non-Government entities who are involved in natural resource management and oversight to research and identify existing plans which address connectivity issues and laws with regard to 1st, 2nd and 3rd order streams and adopt or incorporate and implement such an existing plan which does so and further recommend that the entities dedicate the adequate human and financial resources to accomplish those actions. Furthermore, if it is found no such plan exists within the aforementioned entities which incorporates a plan to restore connectivity of all potential fish spawning habitats in the Minnesota River System, then direct the MNDNR to bring the entities together to create one and implement it in addition to dedicating the adequate human and financial resources to accomplish that set of actions.
Minnesota River River Watch Adopted
(Education Team)
Be it resolved, The Minnesota River Congress shall support the River Watch initiative of the Friends of the Minnesota Valley by stating its support for River Watch, by encouraging high school participation, and by registering Minnesota River Congress support for River Watch fundraising activities.
Funding Minnesota River Basin Data Center Adopted
(Public Policy Team)
Be it resolved that, the Minnesota River Congress supports restoration of full funding for the Minnesota River Basin Data Center (MRBDC) including a first-year appropriation to bring the MRBDC website up to date.
Ecosystem Services Adopted
(Programs and Initiatives Team, Communications Team)
Be it resolved that the Minnesota River Congress support the development of an initiative, in collaboration with Conservation Marketplace Midwest (CMM), to measure, account for and aggregate ecosystem services within the MN River Basin.
Be it further resolved that the CMM and MN River Congress identify and develop programs with potential ecosystem service buyers within the MN River Basin.
Granite Falls Fish Passage and Whitewater Water Park Adopted
(Education Team, Recreation Team)
Be it resolved that the members of the Minnesota River Congress hereby urge the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources to provide and/or promote technical, administrative and economic support for the installation of a fish passage and whitewater park at the site of Granite Falls.
Minnesota Valley and Minnesota River State Trails Adopted
(Public Policy Team, Education Team)
Be it resolved, the Minnesota River Congress work to promote legislative funding to complete the Minnesota River State Trail and the Minnesota Valley State Trail; and,
Be it further resolved, the Minnesota River Congress encourage the creation of local State Trail Advocacy groups within the Minnesota Valley to promote segments of the Minnesota River State Trail and Minnesota Valley State Trail.
Minnesota Falls Property Acquisition Adopted
(Education Team)
Be it resolved: That the members of the Minnesota River Congress hereby urge the Minnesota DNR to work with the Xcel Energy, the Minnesota Parks and Trails Council and/or any other nonprofit or third-party organization in a process to get the property transferred in a timely manner to public ownership.
Paddler Access Adopted
(Recreation Team, Education Team)
Be it resolved, The Minnesota River Congress should create or support a program to work with all units of government; cities, counties, and water Management Organizations adjacent to the Minnesota River or a Minnesota River tributary, to create public access points on the rivers for recreational uses, paddlers and boaters; that are properly designed, properly constructed, and properly maintained; and, Be it further resolved, the Minnesota River Congress support efforts by those units of government to obtain funding from any and all sources to design and construct river access points for recreational users.